About Me

Haoxin is currently a Dual-degree Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science, supervised by Prof. Lingxiao Jiang and Prof. Xuhua Ding , at the School of Computing and Information Systems in Singapore Management University (SMU), and in Software Engineering, supervised by Prof. He Jiang , at the School of Software in Dalian University of Technology (DUT). He earned his first Ph.D. degree from DUT in December 2023.

"To err is human, but to really foul things up you need a computer."

- Paul R. Ehrlich

Software systems written by humans tend to be unreliable and insecure. My research interests focus on developing practical techniques and tools that can help improve the reliability and security of software systems (mainly system software such as compilers and Linux kernels). He is quite interested in developing advanced automated approaches, based on program analysis techniques such as fuzzing and symbolic execution, to resolve labor-intensive engineering tasks, e.g., automatic bug finding/debugging and exploit generation.

Recent News

  • [Aug 2024] We released a new paper “Vital: Vulnerability-Oriented Symbolic Execution via Type-Unsafe Pointer-Guided Monte Carlo Tree Search”, where we proposed a smart vulnerability-oriented path search strategy for symbolic execution!
  • [Aug 2024] Our TSE’24 work SymLoc is accepted by the Journal-first Paper Track of ASE 2024! See you in Sacramento!
  • [July 2024] I am selected as a Shadow PC member of ICSE’25! Looking forward to contributing to the community!
  • [July 2024] I am awarded the Presidential Doctoral Fellowship at SMU! Many thanks to my supervisors for their continuous support and help!
  • [May 2024] Arrived at beautiful Bochum in Germany and started the summer internship in Dr. Marcel Böhme’s group at MPI-SP from now!
  • [Apr 2024] Our paper titled “Isolating Compiler Bugs by Generating Effective Witness Programs with Large Language Models” has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering!
  • [Apr 2024] Our paper titled “Concretely Mapped Symbolic Memory Locations for Memory Error Detection” has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering!
  • [Feb 2024] I have passed my Ph.D. Dissertation Proposal Defense at SMU! Great appreciation for my amazing dissertation committee members!
  • [Dec 2023] I will be joining Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy (MPI-SP) group as a Research Intern in the Summer of 2024! Many thanks to Dr. Marcel Böhme for giving me such a precious opportunity!
  • [Dec 2023] I have successfully defended my PhD thesis at DUT! A milestone has been achieved, and I will keep fighting for another one 😃.
  • [Nov 2023] Our paper titled “Beyond a Joke: Dead Code Elimination Can Delete Live Code” has been accepted by the NIER Track of the 46th IEEE ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE-NIER 2024)! See you in Lisbon!
  • [Sep 2023] A co-authored paper titled “KRover: A Symbolic Execution Engine for Dynamic Kernel Analysis” was accepted by the 2023 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS 2023), where we explored a new flavor of symbolic execution for kernel analysis!
  • [Jul 2023] We released a new paper “LLM4CBI: Taming LLMs to Generate Effective Test Programs for Compiler Bug Isolation”, where we investigated the code generation capability of LLMs (e.g., ChatGPT) for the compiler bug isolation task!
  • [Mar 2023] One paper titled “Boosting Symbolic Execution for Heap-based Vulnerability Detection and Exploit Generation” has been accepted by the Doctoral Symposium Track of IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2023)! See you in Melbourne!
  • [Oct 2022] I received National Scholarship for Doctoral Students from DUT! Thanks to everyone who helped me along the way!
  • [Aug 2022] Our paper titled “FastKLEE: Faster Symbolic Execution via Reducing Redundant Bound Checking of Type-Safe Pointers” has been accepted by the Tool Demonstrations Track of ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2022)!
  • [Jul 2022] Our paper titled “RemGen: Remanufacturing A Random Program Generator for Compiler Testing” has been accepted by the 33rd IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE 2022)! (Highlight: We have reported 56, of which 37+ have been fixed by developers, compiler optimization bugs in GCC and LLVM.)
  • [Apr 2022] Our paper titled “Detecting C++ Compiler Front-end Bugs via Grammar Mutation and Differential Testing” has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Reliability! (Highlight: We have reported 136, of which 67+ have already been confirmed or fixed by developers, bugs in GCC and LLVM compiler front-ends.)
  • [Dec 2020] Our paper was rejected from ICSE 2021… Hmmm, keep smiling and move on!
  • [Mar 2020] Opened my academic homepage!

[Last updated on August 2024]